Each month Board President Bob Kasieta shares his reflections on poverty, volunteerism, community engagement and more. We’ve gathered these monthly musings together in one place for your reading enjoyment and own reflections. If you would like to see an archive of our monthly newsletters, you can find them here

Hunger Action Month
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Hunger Action Month

Feeding America has declared September Hunger Action Month. It seeks to spur one million acts of kindness in addressing world hunger. In Dane County are part of a network across the globe, who share our resolve to do what we can to ease suffering, to feed the hungry, and to improve the lot of others.

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Angels Among Us
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Angels Among Us

Recently, we received an email complaint from a BPNN guest. Call her Jane to protect her privacy. Jane reported that her experience at BPNN had left her feeling disrespected. She had come to BPNN without proper identification, and she encountered our policies (we began re-verifying all household records in February). Our guest services director, Marcia, offered to take Jane to the food pantry with proper identification and help get her groceries home. I volunteered to help.

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Why Volunteerism Matters
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Why Volunteerism Matters

You know that BPNN is an all-volunteer organization, with more than 1,100 volunteers giving of themselves. Periodically, someone suggests that BPNN should pay our leadership. Certainly, our wonderful leaders are worth a fortune. No doubt, their skill and passion have huge market value. We could never afford to pay what these magnificent leaders are worth. Nor would they accept pay. They are volunteers in the best sense.

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What is Poverty - Part Two
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

What is Poverty - Part Two

Last month in this space, we explored the imprecise definition of poverty. Defining poverty is not an irrelevant, abstract exercise. Our definition explains, even governs, how we fight poverty. 

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What is Poverty - Part One
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

What is Poverty - Part One

What is poverty? The Oxford Dictionary primary definition is “the state of being extremely poor.” The federal government defines the “poverty line” as the minimal level of income deemed adequate. Simple, right?

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The Greater Fool
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

The Greater Fool

"The Greater Fool” is a term economists use. It is an investor who buys when others stampede to sell. Greater Fools optimistically rebel against the crowd and trust their judgment, the good faith of humanity, and even luck.

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Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall


In my work as a lawyer, I am preparing a case in which I must prove future damages to a jury. That is really proving the value of life and time. It got me thinking as the new year begins about how short life is and how we value time.

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Thanksgiving, an Expression of Gratitude
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Thanksgiving, an Expression of Gratitude

We’ve all heard the story – the Pilgrims in what is now the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1619 gave thanks for safe travels to a new world and a tradition was reborn in a new land. Each year, we celebrate this milestone. It is the start of the holiday season, a pause in the tumult of our lives, a time of reflection.

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Love in Times of Turmoil
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Love in Times of Turmoil

The Beatles proclaimed, “All you need is love.” We know that’s not literally true. But it sure is a good place to begin. My message to you this month is simple: thank you for the love you show BPNN and your neighbors. 

We live in troubled times. The world is at hot and cold war in many places. Domestic politics is divisive. The gap between rich and poor widens. Inflation hits all but the richest among us. Winter looms with its icy breath that we feel in autumn evenings that make us shiver. Days grow darker. We are surrounded by cause for worry, even despair, if that is what we choose.

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Governmental Support for BPNN Continues – and It’s Vital
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Governmental Support for BPNN Continues – and It’s Vital

President Kennedy once said, “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” Never has the divide between rich and poor been larger. Never has the need been greater. And never has it been more essential for government to do what it alone can do – close the gap between need and private charitable efforts.

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A Center for Community Activity
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

A Center for Community Activity

Have you noticed how many people you meet who might not be directly involved in BPNN still know about us? That’s a sign that BPNN is integrating with many community organizations, leveraging the opportunity to have greater reach.

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As Demand Grows, So Do We
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

As Demand Grows, So Do We

If change is the constant of any vibrant organization, BPNN is vibrant indeed! We are again planning an expansion of our facility to include additional warehouse, cooler, and freezer space. No doubt, you have read elsewhere how BPNN is on track for yet another record year, serving more than 80,000 guests this year. Records bring celebration and sadness – joy that we can help so many and deep regret that in our world of plenty so many still suffer.

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And Justice for All
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

And Justice for All

It is a fact that our judicial system works best for those who have good lawyers. Lady Justice might be blindfolded, but it seems that sometimes she peeks to see who the parties are and favors the rich and well-connected, who are well-represented. BPNN is helping to level the playing field.

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A Call to Action to   Help Those in Need
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

A Call to Action to Help Those in Need

This is a call to action. The federal government is reducing assistance to the poorest among us. Pandemic-era programs are sunsetting, but the profound need is not. As inflation spikes and the gap between rich and poor grows, our neighbors in poverty face increasing challenges to feed their families.

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A Year of Change, Optimism for the Future
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

A Year of Change, Optimism for the Future

Thank you. Thank you to our volunteers who give so selflessly. Thank you to those who lead BPNN, and who are also volunteers. You show grace, courage, and empathy every day. Thank you to the community and state leaders who are there when the job requires a bit more than we can manage alone. You are what good government looks like. Thank you to the faith community for living the principles you profess. Thank you to donors who put others first, making our work possible, and making our community so special.

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A Thanksgiving Message
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

A Thanksgiving Message

We head into the annual time of reflection, celebration, and gratitude. This year, we have much to be thankful for. The pandemic has receded. BPNN came through it stronger than ever. That is a credit to the wise leadership that preceded me, a supportive community, and most of all, you. Whether you made a financial contribution, volunteered one time, or devoted weeks or months to our cause, you matter in our battle against poverty. You cared enough to share your talent, time, and treasure to make this community better. That is so very special. Joined to the efforts of others, you changed our world.  

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Give a Little, Change a Lot
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

Give a Little, Change a Lot

Each year at this time, BPNN and other deserving organizations ask you to dig deep to help your neighbors. This year is like others, except that the need is greater than it has ever been. This year, we end a pandemic with record global and local inflation. Dollars don’t go as far as they did last year. For people on fixed incomes and living below poverty level, things are even tighter. The poor are always hit hardest in hard times. Some of our neighbors won’t have enough for their children to eat this winter. Some won’t be able to heat their homes. Others will lose their homes. Some will not be able to get health care they need.

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It’s About Teamwork
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

It’s About Teamwork

“A hundred thousand men, coming one after another, cannot move a ton weight; but the united strength of 50 would transport it with ease.” George Washington

There are 1.6 million non-profit corporations in the U.S. Dane County has 7,248 of them. Still, there is hunger, illiteracy, disease, domestic and substance abuse, poverty, and more – all societal ills these organizations exist to eradicate. The optimist sees a world made better than it would be without non-profits.  The idealist seeks more by forming vibrant partnerships with others of like interest to efficiently expand our reach.

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You Are BPNN
Lisa Marshall Lisa Marshall

You Are BPNN

Thank you. You are BPNN.

This month that celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week, and every month, I am deeply grateful for all you do. Your commitment is valuable. Your service is remarkable. It makes a difference. Know that. Always. You could do anything with your time, talent, and treasure. But you share them with BPNN in abundance. You truly serve the common good. You make Badger Prairie Needs Network unique – a 100% volunteer organization doing excellent work to fight poverty on a large scale.

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