A Call to Action to Help Those in Need

By Bob Kasieta, Board President

This is a call to action. The federal government is reducing assistance to the poorest among us. Pandemic-era programs are sunsetting, but the profound need is not. As inflation spikes and the gap between rich and poor grows, our neighbors in poverty face increasing challenges to feed their families.

Society doesn’t enjoy the luxury of looking away from those who suffer. Nor can we blame the poor for poverty. Many who struggle are seniors who worked hard, helped build our community, and who now choose between medication and food. They are neighbors with vital jobs at low wages, too low to cover basic needs. Still others are neighbors with mental or physical limitations that bar the door to the American Dream. These are people with serious life challenges who, like everyone, simply strive to do the best we can. There is no “us” or “them.” There is only us.

Please consider a financial contribution to a food pantry. Find a few hours to volunteer. Food pantries are facing unprecedented pressure. Each of us has something to offer. You can make a difference.




And Justice for All


A Year of Change, Optimism for the Future