And Justice for All

Bob Kasieta, Board President

It is a fact that our judicial system works best for those who have good lawyers. Lady Justice might be blindfolded, but it seems that sometimes she peeks to see who the parties are and favors the rich and well-connected, who are well-represented. BPNN is helping to level the playing field.

Several excellent lawyers volunteer to help our guests with landlord-tenant issues, elder abuse cases, discrimination complaints, problems with reverse mortgages, and more. These lawyers are among the best in the state, appearing on lists of best lawyers. Cases come primarily through referral from Dane County Joining Forces for Families and Dane County pastors, who become aware of special needs in the community.

We can’t help everyone, but this fine group of attorneys helps as much as possible. There is no cost to the client. The lawyers who volunteer also pay or advance the costs of litigation. And those who too often go unheard in our system have a voice and a better chance at justice. Great thanks to those lawyers who volunteer their time, seeking no recognition and helping so very much.



As Demand Grows, So Do We


A Call to Action to Help Those in Need