The Greater Fool

By Bob Kasieta, Board President

"The Greater Fool” is a term economists use. It is an investor who buys when others stampede to sell. Greater Fools optimistically rebel against the crowd and trust their judgment, the good faith of humanity, and even luck. Often, Greater Fools are marginalized as impractical idealists or dreamers. When others say, “It can’t be done,” Greater Fools plow ahead. They tackle unsolvable problems and face issues that others snub. And despite a pejorative label, Greater Fools are responsible for all progress. Greater Fools explored the earth and the heavens, creating countries and reaching the stars. They confronted incurable illnesses and cured them.

Needs of the community summon us again to expand the BPNN facility. We require more warehouse space, workspace for our leadership team, bigger Joining Forces for Families offices, and space for new programs to tackle the challenges of poverty. Some might say that we are trying to do too much. At BPNN, we respect all views, but we cannot agree with sentiments anchored in fear. Now is the time for us to seize every opportunity to grow BPNN, to do more, to do better - to do good. For the need has never been greater.

We have already begun seeking community support for the building expansion. Elsewhere in the newsletter at various times you will find further details on the project. Stayed tuned. It’s an exciting time for BPNN. Please consider getting more involved. Every contribution is precious. We are already more than 75% to our $3.4 million goal. Your contribution will get us closer. Please go to to join this worthy crusade.

At the bottom of each board agenda at BPNN, I include a quotation from anthropologist Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Here’s to the Greater Fools in the world – all of us!



What is Poverty - Part One

