It’s About Teamwork

By Bob Kasieta, Board President

“A hundred thousand men, coming one after another, cannot move a ton weight; but the united strength of 50 would transport it with ease.” George Washington

There are 1.6 million non-profit corporations in the U.S. Dane County has 7,248 of them. Still, there is hunger, illiteracy, disease, domestic and substance abuse, poverty, and more – all societal ills these organizations exist to eradicate. The optimist sees a world made better than it would be without non-profits.  The idealist seeks more by forming vibrant partnerships with others of like interest to efficiently expand our reach.

BPNN has forged vital partnerships with Dane County and our County Executive, Joe Parisi, Governor Tony Evers, Congressman Mark Pocan, United Way, Second Harvest, local businesses (especially, Epic Systems), the Verona Area School District, the faith community, and a team of volunteers second to none. We must strengthen these partnerships and initiate others. Let me tell you about one such burgeoning relationship.

Since 2011, Latino Academy of Workforce Development has provided technical training to thousands of students who earned GEDs and certification for ServSafe, forklift, OSHA, and commercial drivers’ licenses. In August, Latino Academy will hold its graduation ceremony at BPNN. It will also begin holding classes in BPNN’s new learning center and our commercial kitchen.

Won’t you join us at this exciting time? Please contact Volunteer Director, Missy Prout, at to learn more about how you can become more involved at this exciting time for BPNN.

Thank you.



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