You Are BPNN

By Bob Kasieta, Board President

Thank you. You are BPNN.

This month that celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week, and every month, I am deeply grateful for all you do. Your commitment is valuable. Your service is remarkable. It makes a difference. Know that. Always. You could do anything with your time, talent, and treasure. But you share them with BPNN in abundance. You truly serve the common good. You make Badger Prairie Needs Network unique – a 100% volunteer organization doing excellent work to fight poverty on a large scale.

As we leave pandemic times behind, there is fresh energy at BPNN. The new learning center nears completion. We are growing our board of directors, reorganizing responsibilities, and reassessing financial policies, getting ready for a burst of activity. Special thanks to former president Kurt Billings for his leadership to leave us poised for success.

Not intending to exclude anyone, but unable in limited space to name everyone who makes BPNN great, I’ll highlight three new leadership positions. Vice-president Karen Dettinger will lead the team managing the new learning center. Marcia Kasieta will lead the kitchen team, including our vibrant community meal program, kitchen to table, partnership with Epic kitchens, and all other aspects of the kitchen. Lisa Marshall will lead communications, including website management, publicity, community awareness, and more. All these roles will answer directly to the board of directors. You’ll hear more about the changing organizational structure soon.

This time reminds me of my prior terms as president of BPNN, which included our move to the current building. Those early days were filled with infinite possibilities and shared excitement. So are these times. But we can’t do anything without you. Please get involved and stay involved. BPNN and your neighbors need you. Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Missy Prout, at to learn more about volunteering.

I begin this new term as president with gratitude and renewed commitment to BPNN, mindful of a sentiment that echoes our mission: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.



It’s About Teamwork