Give a Little, Change a Lot

By Bob Kasieta, Board President

 Each year at this time, BPNN and other deserving organizations ask you to dig deep to help your neighbors. This year is like others, except that the need is greater than it has ever been. This year, we end a pandemic with record global and local inflation. Dollars don’t go as far as they did last year. 

 For people on fixed incomes and living below poverty level, things are even tighter. The poor are always hit hardest in hard times. Some of our neighbors won’t have enough for their children to eat this winter. Some won’t be able to heat their homes. Others will lose their homes. Some will not be able to get health care they need.

At BPNN, we see these problems up close. We’ve had several record days at the food pantry in the last month. We will serve more than 30,000 neighbors in 2022 – another record. Never has the need been greater. Never have our resources been so tested. Never has there been such great opportunity for you to help.

We sometimes ask what one man or one woman can do against the ills of society. Sometimes the answer is “not much.” But through BPNN, each of us can do plenty. That is why we call our annual drive this year, “Give a Little, Change a Lot.” Please go to and help as much as you can. Please be generous. Gifts are tax deductible. All gifts serve your neighbors locally. And your gift won’t pay staff – we don’t have any paid staff. BPNN remains 100% volunteer, a profound expression of the good will of this community. 

Thank you for your consideration and generosity. Dane County and Verona are special not only because we care deeply for our neighbors, but also because we put caring into action. Won’t you join us? Please give at today. If you have already donated, thank you. P lease consider a special yearend gift in these extraordinary times.




A Thanksgiving Message


It’s About Teamwork